// Operations based around amicable numbers
// Suports u32 but should be interchangable with other types
// Wikipedia reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amicable_numbers
// Returns vec of amicable pairs below N
// N must be positive
pub fn amicable_pairs_under_n(n: u32) -> Option<Vec<(u32, u32)>> {
let mut factor_sums = vec![0; n as usize];
// Make a list of the sum of the factors of each number below N
for i in 1..n {
for j in (i * 2..n).step_by(i as usize) {
factor_sums[j as usize] += i;
// Default value of (0, 0) if no pairs are found
let mut out = vec![(0, 0)];
// Check if numbers are amicable then append
for (i, x) in factor_sums.iter().enumerate() {
if (*x != i as u32) && (*x < n) && (factor_sums[*x as usize] == i as u32) && (*x > i as u32)
out.push((i as u32, *x));
// Check if anything was added to the vec, if so remove the (0, 0) and return
if out.len() == 1 {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
pub fn test_amicable_numbers_below_n() {
// First 10 amicable numbers, sorted (low, high)
let expected_result = vec![
(220, 284),
(1184, 1210),
(2620, 2924),
(5020, 5564),
(6232, 6368),
(10744, 10856),
(12285, 14595),
(17296, 18416),
(63020, 76084),
(66928, 66992),
// Generate pairs under 100,000
let mut result = amicable_pairs_under_n(100_000).unwrap();
// There should be 13 pairs under 100,000
assert_eq!(result.len(), 13);
// Check the first 10 against known values
result = result[..10].to_vec();
assert_eq!(result, expected_result);
// N that does not have any amicable pairs below it, the result should be None
assert_eq!(amicable_pairs_under_n(100), None);